Monday, April 11

"The Picture of Dorian Gray"

The Picture of Dorian Gray is a philosophical novel by Irish writer Oscar Wilde.

In my point of view , from beginning to end this novel is a debate between beauty and morality.The main character is Dorian Gray, a young and beautiful man.Also we have two characters enough important : Lord Henry and Basil Hallward , the painter. Lord Henry and Basil Hallward have different opinions about life position.Basil Hallward takes the position that life is to be lived in the pursuit of the beautiful and the pleasurable, but he is unwilling to divorce the good from the beautiful.Lord Henry, on the other hand, goes through life throwing one aphorism after another together to prove the non-existence or the hypocrisy of morality.Both of them try to teach Dorian Gray how to live , but to end Lord Henry converted  him into a monster.
Basil Hallward was overwhelmed by Dorian's beauty and made a portrait of him . When he finished the portrait , he gave it to Dorian Gray. Dorian keeps it at his home , where he can admire his own beauty. 
To Basil's dismay Lord Henry has a bad influence over young man.Lord Henry is like a "mentor" for Dorian , who destroys his deep soul.When Dorian was doing a evil deed the beautiful  image changes ,revealing his flaws.As years pass , the man in the picture grows more and more hideous , as Dorian himself stays unnaturally young and beautiful.Was a lot of rumors about his appearance.Basil Hallward also was interested how he can look unchanged for years.On his birthday , Dorian ,shows Basil the portrait in which the horrible truth about his wicked nature is revealed,Basil recoils , and begs Dorian to pray for forgiveness.In response Dorian Gray murders Basil , stabbing him brutally.He blackmails another of his former friends into disposing of the body. After a while, in one night, Dorian feeling pensive , decided to destroy the picture, the visible evidence of his dreadful crimes.Dorian slashes at the painting with the same knife that killed Basil trying to destroy the work as he did the artist.A tremendous crash and a terrible cry alert the servants that something very, very bad has happened.Finally , they go upstairs to check it out , and are horrified by what they find : a portrait of their master as beautiful as ever hangs on the wall , and a mysterious , hideous man lying on the floor with a knife in his heart.After a close examination,the rings on the dead man's hand identify hims as Dorian Gray.

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